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Adding auto suggestion textbox with React js like Google search bar

Have you ever wondered how we are getting the suggestions in Google search bar as we type in the text?? Do you want to implement the same in your project? Then this article is for you! Yes!! we are going to implement the similar suggestion textbox which fetches value from database and provide us suggestion. Let’s dive deep.
What we are going to do?
We are going to fetch mobile make details from database and auto suggest those name below text box like below as we type in textbox,

We may need a React app, Express server for interacting with database and Mysql as database to store the data initially.
//For creating react app named suggestion:
npx create-react-app suggestion
npm install axios//For creating express server, create separate folder then do,
npm init //Press enter without answering any
npm i body-parser
npm i cors
npm i express
npm i mysql
npm i…